I don’t even know where to start with this one, but I know how to sum it up perfectly: problematic as fuck. On every level imaginable. So let’s dive straight into the gazillion of issues …
Richelle Mead

31DecEnd of Year Survey 2019
Better suuuper late than never! I’m happy I did manage to squeeze in my 2019 survey into 2020, even though it barely worked out. Anyway, here are some of the books that accompanied me through 2019 plus what I thought about them …

15SepEnd of Year Survey 2015
Yeah, this is beyond silly. I just have a talent for semi-preparing these and then never finish them in time. But I had this one almost done so I just didn’t want to delete it all. And it’s kind of nice reminiscing last years books …

12JanTop Ten Tuesday #34: 2015 Releases I Meant to Get to But Didn’t
As always, I’ve been hoarding books but didn’t really get around to reading most of the books I bought. Here are the 2015 releases I actually really wanted to read, but couldn’t find the time to do so …

30JunTop Ten Tuesday #31: Best Books I’ve Read So Far In 2015
As a matter of fact, I’ve got exactly 10 titles on my first read favs 2015 shelf. I feel like I’m getting more and more nitpicky each year. On the other hand, I haven’t read a single one star book this year, so there’s that. Since there are so many series popping up multiple times, I also included some honorable mentions …

02JunTop Ten Tuesday #30: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show, Part 2
I originally did this topic back in 2013 but since then, I’ve read many books I’d also love to see adapted, preferrably in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations are actually super faithful to the source material and people who look just like I imagined the characters are cast. Wait, what do you mean there’s no such world? Damn, now I have to endure another freaky adaptation of The Mortal Insturments (I had high hopes because I quite like most of the cast – and then I saw this picture of Isabelle in her ‘classy white dress’) …

05AprWrap-Up & Newbies March 2015
I’m kind of in a reading slump right now. It all started, because I’ve been procrastinating reading Quintana of Charyn throughout March. Still haven’t read it yet, because I’m so afraid of ALL THE FEELS. Instead of turning to other books, I just didn’t read at all. Furthermore, I’m going to move in a couple of days and preparations are taking up a lot of my free time and I’m just not in the mood for reading …