Anna zu Pferde [Anna on Horseback] has everything young Ellie wanted in a novel: a kickass heroine, horses, a great atmospheric setting, a family mystery, and an unexpected romance. Reading it for a second time, the mystery fades into the background but I came to appreciate the historical setting much more than I did when I was younger. Just in case you were wondering: first and foremost, this is actually historical fiction. The title of this novel comes from the title of a painting of Anna and her horse that’s part of the story. Given that it is 1630, horses have to play a part if a character wants to get from A to B. Nevertheless, Anna’s close relationship to her horse is present but never in the foreground . . .
Max Kruse

02AprReading List April 2014
As a matter of fact, I failed yet again to read the stuff that I put onto the March list. Of the eight novels I planned to read, I only finished two. I just happened to fall into a reading slump right in the middle of The Bone Season. Hopefully, I’m back on track now. At least I feel a little more motivated …

Wie der Name schon impliziert sollen hier 12 Lieblingsbücher in 12 Monaten gelesen und rezensiert werden. Für mich als absolute Reread-Queen ist das natürlich perfekt – und kommt doch gerade richtig. Zwar bin ich mit meinem SuB äußerst gut befreundet und lasse mir von ihm kein schlechtes Gewissen einreden, wenn ich mal wieder zu einem schon gelesenen Buch greife während er wächst und wächst, doch wirklich viel Zeit für meine Lieblinge habe ich dann doch irgendwie nicht. Manche der Bücher, die ich ausgesucht habe, wollte ich schon ewig nochmal lesen. Jetzt werde ich also endlich dazu gezwungen …

04JunTop Ten Tuesday #3: Books Featuring Travel
My top ten features travels to exotic countries, travels via magical and mundane transportation, travel in space, travels in fantasy worlds, and travels on horseback …