Wie der Name schon impliziert sollen hier 12 Lieblingsbücher in 12 Monaten gelesen und rezensiert werden. Für mich als absolute Reread-Queen ist das natürlich perfekt – und kommt doch gerade richtig. Zwar bin ich mit meinem SuB äußerst gut befreundet und lasse mir von ihm kein schlechtes Gewissen einreden, wenn ich mal wieder zu einem schon gelesenen Buch greife während er wächst und wächst, doch wirklich viel Zeit für meine Lieblinge habe ich dann doch irgendwie nicht. Manche der Bücher, die ich ausgesucht habe, wollte ich schon ewig nochmal lesen. Jetzt werde ich also endlich dazu gezwungen …
Lynn Raven

10SepTop Ten Tuesday #9: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show
Well, well, one should think that it would be easy to find novels one would like to see as a movie or TV series. However, there are so many YA novels which are already in different stages of production that it was rather difficult to find favourites that aren’t already opted for an adaptation. Unsurprisingly, some of the following novels weren’t originally English or don’t even have an English translation and therefore don’t have an adaptation yet. If I’d live in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations were super faithful to the source material, these would be the ten novels I’d love to see on the big or the small screen …

27AugMontagsfrage: Welches Buch sollte unbedingt verfilmt werden?
Buchverfilmungen sind für mich ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Zum einen freue ich mich eigentlich immer, wenn ein Buch verfilmt wird, das ich mag, zum anderen ärgere ich mich dann meistens über den Film …

18JunTop Ten Tuesday #4: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List
There are so many books that I’d love to read over the summer! Here are the top ten books I just have to read in the next couple of months …

04JunTop Ten Tuesday #3: Books Featuring Travel
My top ten features travels to exotic countries, travels via magical and mundane transportation, travel in space, travels in fantasy worlds, and travels on horseback …

01JunNewbies April 2013
Buying books is both my fervent passion and my worst vice. Sometimes, I even wonder whether it is not an addiction or an illness of some sorts, because I’m constantly buying – much more than I will probably ever be able to read. But, you know, they look so pretty on the shelves! …
Normally, I’m trying to buy in reasonable masses. However, if I find an excuse with which I can keep my conscience quiet, I forget all good resolutions. That’s what happened in April, because I thought that Easter would be a great excuse to buy tonnes of new books. Well, it’s my one and only treat after all.