Who needs wrap-ups when one can have newbie posts, right? Riiiight? [The wrap-ups are coming. Winterish.] Truth be told, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you are already pretty annoyed by my excessive purchase behaviour and these posts. I kind of feel like one of those BookTubers who have massive book hauls every (other) week or so, bragging about their new pretty books without ever reading them. I just realised that’s pretty much me – only I write monthly posts …
Katie McGarry

26NovNewbies October 2013 + Bookfair Haul
Ahem, this is even worse than last month. First, we have the non-bookfair newbies (the bookfair newbies are below) …

07AugNewbies June & July 2013
I couldn’t live through two consecutive months of book-buying bans, so I decided to postpone it. Still, I didnt’ get that much – compared to other months. Nevertheless, I definitely buy too many books. I just can’t help it …

18JunTop Ten Tuesday #4: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List
There are so many books that I’d love to read over the summer! Here are the top ten books I just have to read in the next couple of months …