I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars and since John Green is worshipped as the God of YA – I still haven’t figured out why -, my expectations were extremely high. Everyone and their grandma seems to love it. Well, and then there’s me, the odd one out, the one with the most unpopular opinion ever: I’ve never been so bored reading a novel I read voluntarily. I was bored senseless. I couldn’t even get angry with or roll my eyes at some of the more annoying parts …
John Green

11JanWrap-Up December 2013
As always, I didn’t read either the novels I planned to nor the ones I should really truly have read. Instead, I spent my time bingereading the 2nd and 3rd installments of the Black Magician Trilogy, worked as a Christmas presents wrapping assistant at a bookshop and went on a short trip to Vienna to watch The Hobbit #2 and the musical Elisabeth, which I’m completely in love with – oh, and to visit a dear friend, of course 😉 ! Unfortunately, now I really have to write my bachelor thesis, so bye bye, my dearest blog! I hope I won’t neglect you all too much these next 1 1/2 months …

08JanNewbies December 2013
The last 2013 additions to my library. It’s a colourful mixture of long awaited novels, beautiful covers, unusual genres, hyped series, and some horse novels (well, it’s me, after all) …

29JunNewbies May 2013
Since Pyras and Dracas have spent three months on my tbr-list and I failed to read them, I had a book-buying ban in May. This is my worst imaginable punishment because I’m totally addicted to buying books. Still, somehow I sort of managed to stay true. Three of the following books I had pre-ordered, the other one, my only slip, I got at a flea market …

28MayTop Ten Tuesday #2: Books Dealing with Tough Subjects
Today is actually the Top Ten Tuesday Freebie but instead of coming up with my own topic, I’d like to give you the Top Ten Books Dealing with Tough Subjects which was the theme on May 14. I’d written about three quarters of the post when a friend persuaded me to watch Iron Man 3 with her and therefore never came to finish it in time. So here we go …

11AprNewbies March 2013
So much for sticking to the book-buying ban from the TBR-Reduction-Extreme challenge. But hey, you haven’t seen what I’ll get in April. This is next to nothing compared to my Easter haul!