Actually, I didn’t get tagged but I saw it on numerous blogs and decided to jump on the bandwagon. You’re supposed to name at least five of your favourite literary couples. I had a list with over twenty but decided to cut back because it really isn’t that easy to find great quotes in novels you haven’t read in the last couple of years. In some cases, I remembered what I wanted and where I could find it, in others I got lucky and just stumbled upon a great quote. So here are my twelve favourite literary couples in no particular order – well, except for the first one because Rhaegar and Lyanna are my absolute OTP …
Die Erben der Nacht

26NovNewbies October 2013 + Bookfair Haul
Ahem, this is even worse than last month. First, we have the non-bookfair newbies (the bookfair newbies are below) …

04NovWrap-Up October 2013
I can’t believe it! A wrap-up that’s actually in time! I’m still two or so behind, but at least I got this one done. By the way, I’m sorry that I’m currently posting so seldom. I’m just having a lot of stuff on my plate such as a linguistics term paper, which I procrastinated a little too long (but at least now it’s done), my Bachelor thesis, and a private issue that threw me off the track and now I have to get used to this new situation …

15OctSeries Review: Die Erben der Nacht #1-5
Pünktlich zum Erscheinen des 6. Bandes im Oktober habe auch ich es nun endlich geschafft, den 5. und ehemals letzten Teil der Reihe zu lesen, an den ich mich bisher nicht herangetraut hatte, da ich mich nicht von meinen geliebten Erben verabschieden wollte. Normalerweise kann ich es gar nicht leiden, wenn eine Reihe über den eigentlichen letzten Band fortgeführt wird, aber in diesem Fall freue ich mich über alle Maße, dass es doch kein Abschied für immer geworden ist. Anlässlich des First-Reads des 5. Bandes gab es natürlich einen Reread der ganzen Reihe, zum einen, um meine Erinnerungen aufzufrischen, zum anderen, weil ich von den jungen Vampiren einfach nicht genug bekommen kann . . .

09SepWrap-Up July 2013
Amazingly, July was another fairly strong month although it was exam time. Well, actually, I’m not surprised at all. I have the stupid tendency to desire to read when I don’t have the time. And I also tend to give into it and read instead of study. But somehow, my exams always turn out nicely. So I guess it’s not that bad of a habit. Could be much worse …

15AugWrap-Up June 2013
June wasn’t so bad. I managed to increase the number of books read and number of pages read at least a little …

03JulReading List July 2013
Dear God, why is it July again?! A moment ago, it was still January. How fast time always flies … But that it has to be July of all things. July means endless work for me because it’s the month of exams. This year, I have three (if I’m lucky only two) written and one oral exam – if everything works out fine. At university, there’s some chaos regarding that exam and furthermore I keep struggling with a few bureaucratic problems. One is spared nothing! Therefore, July is technically equivalent to reading recession. At least that’s what it’s supposed to be but usually, I get a craze for reading when I don’t have the time. How it will turn out this time remains to be seen …