Third time’s a charm? In this case, not really. With each read, I’m deducting one star from the rating: the first time, I giggled myself through an otherwise sleepless, anxiety-ridden night; the second time, I still enjoyed it, but it lost a little; the third time – this time – I listened to the audiobook and was almost a little disappointed. It might not hold up for me, but if you’re looking for a fun fluffy contemporary fantasy read with a very chaste dash of horror, this might just be it – but don’t expect this one to be big on character development and thrill …
Contemporary Fantasy

31OctReview: Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
If you like interesting magical concepts, ominous Southern American settings, American Civil War re-enactments, male point of views, and awesome secondary characters, than this is just the right book for you – as long as you don’t mind instalove and more or less annoying main characters . . .

04JulReview: Kalix – Werwölfin von London (Kalix MacRinnalch, #1)
Thank God, it’s over. Finishing this was a nightmare; I made it through eventually but not without heavily exercising my eye rolling abilities. Either I fail to recognise the literary value or this book is completely mental. There are so many aspects that drove me crazy that I don’t even know where to begin. It was almost unbearable to read, especially since I knew from the very first page on that I would have issues with this novel . . .