Series – my personal doom. My problem is that I love to reread the previous books each time a new one comes out. You can imagine that this takes up an insane amount of time. Plus, I sometimes lose interest in continuing right when I’m done with rereading and could actually start the new book. Or instead of continuing with the next book, I start reading other stuff and don’t get back to it. Kind of tricky and it most certainly doesn’t help with finishing series. I’m working on changing something about it, so here are the series I really want to finish this year. I do already own all the books I need to read, so there’s really no excuse …
Alexandra Bracken

30JunMonday Question: Any Pre-Orders?
Oh yes, indeed I have! There are currently 32 novels on my ordered shelf – however, most of them are from Better World Books or Thalia and just take their time to get here. But I do have a couple of actual pre-orders, too …

17JunTop Ten Tuesday #19: Books on My Summer TBR List
… in which I list the books I hope to read over the summer months featuring lies, assassins, werewolves and vampires, dystopias, magic, horses, secrets, and Paris.

17DecTop Ten Tuesday #15: New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2013
I got lucky and discovered a couple of amazing authors this year! …

26NovNewbies October 2013 + Bookfair Haul
Ahem, this is even worse than last month. First, we have the non-bookfair newbies (the bookfair newbies are below) …

08NovWrap-Up August 2013
Even though my reading month of August ended a little early since I went on a short holiday on the 26th until the 3rd of September, I was able to improve my stats ginormeously. I increased the number of pages read and finished a smashing number of nine books. This makes August my third best reading month so far this year. Most surprisingly, I was able to fulfil my goal of reducing my TBR pile by two books this month. This is only the second time this year that I get a lottery ticket in the TBR reduction extreme challenge. I still can’t believe it for I went book shopping in both Munich and Berlin! …

06NovReview: The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)
Wow, just wow. If I had to summarise this novel in one sentence, I’d say it’s X-men meets the Nazis – very dark, very disturbing, and even worse very realistic. It’s a story of survival and friendship against all odds, a story of coming to terms with oneself and accepting who and what one has become. It’s also a road trip through a bleak and dangerous US in search of the only hope there is: a safe haven and finding one’s family . . .