I actually never meant to read this book. I wasn’t interested in it at all. But then I read her second novel, In Search of Us, for work, which I really liked, and decided to give this one a try anyway – and off I was on a reading odyssey. I borrowed the audio book online from my library but had to discover that it ended rather abruptly. Too abruptly and on a rather sad note for a YA novel. So I did some research and found out that a quarter of the book was missing. Fortunately, I was able to borrow a paperback copy from a colleague to finish it. I’m glad I did, though this book wasn’t really for me …

10MayThe Happy Place Five #9: Book Recs from Friends
What would my bookshelves be without the recommendations of my friends? Well, much more empty for sure and my bank account would be quite happy as well! Not complaining, though! Because if it weren’t for books, I wouldn’t have any friends at all. There are so many books and friends I could mention here, it was hard to pick, so I decided to go waaaay back. And somehow this turned out more like a walk down memory lane than a proper rec list. But hey, you get nice anecdotes out of it …

19JanThe Happy Place Five #13: Books I Meant to Read Last Year
A new year also means there are a gazillion books we didn’t manage to read in that timespan society puts so much meaning to and that’s now over and can never ever come back (though, let’s be honest, we’re all glad we made it through that one alive). For this month’s topic, we decided to pick five books that we meant to read last year, as in 2021, but didn’t get to for some reason or another …

15JanReview: XOXO
AWWWEEEE! XOXO was everything I hoped for AND MORE! If you’re looking for a super cute, wholesome, and fun read that screams for a K-drama adaptation because it basically already is one, then look no further. This is IT!

18AugThe Happy Place Five #8: Deserted Island Edition
Oh look, I can hardly believe my own eyes! A new The Happy Place 5 post! It’s been a while. This week’s topic is “Books we would want with us while stranded on a deserted island” – and it actually didn’t take that long for me to make up this list, because I immediately had two criteria in mind …

02AugReview: Killing Gravity (Voidwitch Saga, #1)
In a very weird way, reading Killing Gravity felt like coming home. Nope, I’m not in any way that kind of tortured soul, it’s the universe, spaceships, galactic witches raised in a gruesome programme, begrudging allies turned family, a cute sidekick pet – you know, just my kind of jam! And hold on tight, this novella reads like a full-blown novel. For something that’s not even 200 pages long, it has a hell of a lot going on. Neither the characters nor the reader has much time to catch their breath between epic fight scenes, beautiful character moments, and stunning world building …

26JulReview: Soundless
I don’t even know where to start with this one, but I know how to sum it up perfectly: problematic as fuck. On every level imaginable. So let’s dive straight into the gazillion of issues …