As always, I’ve been hoarding books but didn’t really get around to reading most of the books I bought. Here are the 2015 releases I actually really wanted to read, but couldn’t find the time to do so …
05JanTop Ten Tuesday #33: Series I Resolve to Finish in 2016
Series – my personal doom. My problem is that I love to reread the previous books each time a new one comes out. You can imagine that this takes up an insane amount of time. Plus, I sometimes lose interest in continuing right when I’m done with rereading and could actually start the new book. Or instead of continuing with the next book, I start reading other stuff and don’t get back to it. Kind of tricky and it most certainly doesn’t help with finishing series. I’m working on changing something about it, so here are the series I really want to finish this year. I do already own all the books I need to read, so there’s really no excuse …
22SepTop Ten Tuesday #32: Books on My Fall TBR List
I’m currently getting back into making monthly TBRs. It’s fun to pick a couple of books I’m really in the mood for and see how far I get over the course of the month. They’re not set in stone, so I won’t revive the blog posts, though. I don’t want to put pressure on myself again since it didn’t end well the last time. And yet, it’s fun to plan ahead. So here are ten books I currently feel like reading over the next couple of months. This list definitely has the feeling of my favourite season, best read on colourful, crisp, and sunny days, and in cold, foggy, and rainy nights – or any combination of these adjectives, for all it matters …
30JunTop Ten Tuesday #31: Best Books I’ve Read So Far In 2015
As a matter of fact, I’ve got exactly 10 titles on my first read favs 2015 shelf. I feel like I’m getting more and more nitpicky each year. On the other hand, I haven’t read a single one star book this year, so there’s that. Since there are so many series popping up multiple times, I also included some honorable mentions …
02JunTop Ten Tuesday #30: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show, Part 2
I originally did this topic back in 2013 but since then, I’ve read many books I’d also love to see adapted, preferrably in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations are actually super faithful to the source material and people who look just like I imagined the characters are cast. Wait, what do you mean there’s no such world? Damn, now I have to endure another freaky adaptation of The Mortal Insturments (I had high hopes because I quite like most of the cast – and then I saw this picture of Isabelle in her ‘classy white dress’) …
14AprTop Ten Tuesday #29: Inspiring Quotes from Books
I don’t mark my favourite parts in books. Instead, I either write down the page numbers or take pictures with my phone. Afterwards, I go back and copy the lines in my little black notebook. Currently, I’m a little behind on transferring but I’m trying to catch up. I love browsing through all of my favourite quotes from time to time. It’s like revisiting the books I’ve taken them from; their hearts and souls contained in a couple of sentences …
31MarTop Ten Tuesday #28: Books I Recently Added to My To-Be-Read List
Just to clarify: my Goodreads to-be-read shelf contains all the books I already own but haven’t read yet. I have separate to-buy lists for the books I’d like to read one day but don’t own yet. Since this topic’s not suggesting it’s about the books I recently bought, I’ll write about the books I recently shelved to-buy …