Newbies Sepember 2017

23rd October 2017

Remember that I told you about my book buying yo-yo effect? Remember that I only got four books in August? Well, here’s the other side of the story … I got kind of totally crazy. I went thrifting, ordered way too many books online, got some at work, and decided to double the amount of horse non-fiction I own.

Thrift Shop Finds not included in this picture.

Thrift Shop Finds

  1. Stimmen im Nebel [Voices in the Mist] by Ursula Isbel

    Ursula Isbel is not only the author of many a horse novel but also of romantic thrillers for teens. So far, I’ve read three and one of them I love dearly and have reread time and time again. This omnibus edition consists of Stimmen aus dem Kamin [Voices from the Fireplace], Das Schloss im Nebel [The Castle in the Mist], Ein Schatten fällt auf Erlengrund [A Shadow Befalls Erlengrund]

  2. Die Königsmalerin [The King Paintress] by Nina Blazon

    Nina Blazon’s books are actually a mixed bag for me and yet I keep hoarding her books. Well, this one didn’t cost much, okay?!

  3. Die Wildrose (Rosentrilogie, #3) by Jennifer Donnelly
    [The Wild Rose (The Tea Rose, #3)]

    It’s not like I’ve read the first two books in this series. However, this one was super cheap and since I already own books 1 and 2, I decided to complete my collection of this series.

Ordered Online

  1. The Three-Body Problem (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #1) by Cixin Liu

    Since I discovered Asian drama land, especially Chinese dramas, I’m desperately looking for books set in China by Chinese authors that have been translated either into English or German in genres I’d like to read (fantasy, scifi, historical fiction). There are quite a few books that fit all criteria except the Chinese author part. I never thought it would be so hard to find those books. If you have any recommendations, please share.

  2. The Grace of Kings (The Dandelion Dynasty, #1) by Ken Liu

    I read and loved Ken Liu’s short story collection The Paper Menagerie – and since he’s of Chinese descend, this book totally qualified as part of my Chinese book hunt.

  3. The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James

    It has a very pretty cover, okay?! (And the literally star-crossed, time-displaced plot sounds pretty cool, too.)

  4. Three Daughters of Eve by Elif Shafak

    Elif raved about this one, it sounds intriguing and the cover is glorious. As you might have guessed from my looking for books by Chinese authors, I’m trying to read (or in my case acquire) more diverse and own voices books.

  5. The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell

    I have a soft spot for books about books or anything bookish.

  6. Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops #1) by Jen Campbell
  7. More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops #2) by Jen Campbell

    Those two I’ve already read and they were very entertaining!

  8. Quicksilver (Ultraviolet, #2) by R.J. Anderson

    I read Ultraviolet in September and although it didn’t blow my mind, I kind of still want to know what happens next.

  9. The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana

    Another one of those diverse books. I’m not into pink, but this cover is glorious!

  10. Everything All at Once by Katrina Leno

    I just can’t resist the Leno rave crew (aka Crini, Maraia and Sana).

  11. Review of Australian Fiction Vol. 3, Issue 4: Ferragost & Molasses by Melina Marchetta & Kirsty Eagar
  12. Review of Australian Fiction Vol. 22, Issue 6: When Rosie Met Jim & Shoeboxes by Melina Marchetta & Kathryn Barker

    Only bought these because of the queen of feels, Melina Marchetta.

Books at Work

The first three are books from my publisher. Two novels I’ve already read and liked a lot, so I had to have them for my collection. The third is a DIY book about hand lettering. The other two I got when the children’s editorial department sorted out some of their licensing review copies. I always wanted to own The Fox and the Star and I’m a huge Chris Riddell fangirl.

  1. Sternschnuppenstunden [Me and Mr J] by Rachel McIntyre
  2. Wahrheit schmeckt wie Mokkatorte by Christina Michels
    [Truth Tastes Like Coffee Cake]
  3. Handlettering by Julia Kerschbaumer
  4. The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith
  5. Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse (Goth Girl, #1) by Chris Riddell


  1. Die Spur der Bücher (Die Spur der Bücher, #1) by Kai Meyer
    [The Trail of Books (The Trail of Books, #1)]

    You can find an in depth account of when and why I bought this in this post, which also tells the tale of my favourite book shop.

  2. Glück im Sattel (Internat Lindental, #4-5) by Dagmar Hoßfeld
    [Bliss in the Saddle (Boarding School Lindental, #4-5)]

    Another book I got from Shiku (read more about that below). Kosmos really likes to completely repackage their series, preferably with a new (series) titles. I think this is the fourth rendition of the series, but by far the prettiest. This edition contains Ein Fohlen für Rebecca [A Foal for Rebecca] – the girl – formerly known as Ein Fohlen für Karfunkel [A Foal for Carbuncle] – the horse – and Rivalen in Lindental [Rivals at Lindental] formerly known as Die Rivalin [The Rival].

Horse Facts

I got a considerable amount of horse non-fiction in September. I’ve been riding English style my whole life but am now switching to Classic and that means pretty much relearning everything I know, so I had to get me some ‘light’ reading material. I really hope the books I chose after endless online searches and comparisons and reading reviews will be able to help me in that matter. Half but two of the books I got directly from Cadmos, the other half via my fabulous Kosmos book dealer Shiku.

  1. Der Sitz des Reiters [The Rider’s Seat] (Feine Hilfen, #1)
  2. Vom Boden aus [From the Ground] (Feine Hilfen, #2)
  3. Seitengänge [Lateral Movements] (Feine Hilfen, #3)
  4. Die Parade [The Halt] (Feine Hilfen, #5)
  5. Im Takt [In Step] (Feine Hilfen, #6)
  6. Losgelassenheit [Suppleness] (Feine Hilfen, #7)
  7. Anlehnung [Contact] (Feine Hilfen, #9)
  8. Schwung und Kadenz [Momentum and Cadence] (Feine Hilfen, #10)
  9. Gerade gerichtet [Straightened] (Feine Hilfen, #11)
  10. Versammlung [Collection] (Feine Hilfen, #12)
  11. Die Arbeit im Galopp [The Work at a Gallop] (Feine Hilfen, #14)
  12. Biegen und Verbiegen [Bending and Twisting] (Feine Hilfen, #20)


  1. Basis-Guide für feine Hilfen by Katharina Möller
    [Basic Guide to Subtle Aids]
  2. Irrwege der modernen Dressur by Philippe Karl
    [Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage]
  3. Reitkunst: Klassiche Dressur bis zur Hohen Schule by Philippe Karl
    [The Art of Riding]
  4. Übungsbuch Natural Horsemanship by Jenny Wild & Peer Claßen
    [Workbook Natural Horsemanship]
  5. Die Freizeitreiter-Akademie by Claus Penquitt
    [The Leisure Rider Academy]
  6. Tellington Training für Pferde by Linda Tellington-Jones & Bobbie Lieberman
    [Tellington Training for Horses]
  7. Balanceact: Wie Pferde geritten werden müssen, damit sie gesund bleiben by Dr. Gerd Heuschmann
    [Balancing Act: The Horse in Sport – An Irreconcilable Conflict?]
  8. Körperarbeit für Pferde by Jim Masterson & Stefanie Reinhold
    [Beyond Horse Massage]
  9. Erfahrungsschätze der Pferdekenner by Sibylle Luise Binder
    [The Wealth of Experience of Horse Experts]
  10. Aus Respekt!: Reiten zum Wohl des Pferdes by Anja Beran
    [Out of Respect!: Riding for the Benefit of the Horse]
  11. Gymnastizierendes Reittraining by Sibylle Wiemer
    [Gymnastisizing Riding Training]
  12. Leichtigkeit beim Dressurreiten by Sibylle Wiemer
    [Légèreté in Dressage Riding]
  13. Die kommentierte H.Dv.12 by Kurd Albrecht von Ziegen & Dr. Gerd Heuschmann
    [The Annotated H.Dv.12]
  14. Das Bewegungsgefühl des Reiters by Eckart Meyners
    [The Rider’s Sense of Movement]
  15. Gymnastizieren an der Hand by Kathrin Roida
    [Gymnastisizing at the Hand]


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3 responses

  • *is still laughing*

    What’s the difference between the English and the Classic style? I’ve been there for over a year now, but my riding knowling is still pretty much non-existent.

    • Shush now!

      It’s complicated. The English style (or how I call it: the FN style) is basically an advancement of the Classic style, although depending on who you’re asking, it’s rather a regression. It’s what you see in equestrian. It’s not all bad but it can be depending on how it is executed. It’s mostly oriented towards success, towards pressing a horse in a certain desirable form, even if it’s not what’s best for the horse. Classic is more oriented towards physiology, it’s a more horse friendly approach and it’s definitely working. But there are also a lot of different Classic styles. In equestrian, basically everyone has an opinion on what is best and right and that is very confusing.

  • Nah, this is too amusing. :’D

    That clears it up a little though, thank you!