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Series – my personal doom. My problem is that I love to reread the previous books each time a new one comes out. You can imagine that this takes up an insane amount of time. Plus, I sometimes lose interest in continuing right when I’m done with rereading and could actually start the new book. Or instead of continuing with the next book, I start reading other stuff and don’t get back to it. Kind of tricky and it most certainly doesn’t help with finishing series. I’m working on changing something about it, so here are the series I really want to finish this year. I do already own all the books I need to read, so there’s really no excuse.
The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
I’ve finished the trilogy in 2014, but I’m counting the prequel novel The Magician’s Apprentice as part of the series as well. It was on almost every TBR list since finishing The High Lord, but I never got around reading it.
Laura by Peter Freund
This was one of my teen favourites. It originally consisted of five books and oh dear, the ending of the last one had me completely stunned. Then, a sixth novel was announced and I wasn’t happy about it. The series had had an ending, although a brutal one. Still, I bought the book but never read it. When a seventh book was published out of the blue a couple of years later, I got it, too. I started rereading the series six years ago and still haven’t even managed to get to the fifth book, let alone to the two I haven’t read yet. Call that a long-term project.
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
I’ve read the first four novels multiple times because I love the series so much, but never got around to reading the other four. I got the last two books at the end of 2014, so I could marathon the rest of the series. Let’s hope I’ll do it.
Study Series by Maria V. Snyder
I loved Poison Study so much I read it in one sitting. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the other books in the trilogy so I kind of lost track. Although I got them early in 2014, I didn’t get back to it. Now I really want to reread the first and marathon the whole trilogy – and the other six books on the shelf.
Tales of the Otori by Lian Hearn
Will I ever manage to finish this series? I borrowed the first two books from the library twice at least 10 years ago, got all the books for Christmas in 2006, but never managed to get to the third. I reread the first two in 2015 and once again I didn’t continue. Thing is, I actually adore this series! I really don’t understand why I can’t bring myself to finishing it.
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
I really enjoyed the first one and plan on marathoning the whole series now that I finally own the novellas bindup.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I’ve read the first book multiple times but never came around to reading the others. I just don’t know why but I really have to change that. I loved the first one way too much to get stuck there. Besides, the books are all kind of short and should be read in no time at all.
The History of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien
It’s time I finish this nerd trip. It’s going on far too long now and I really want to get to rereading LotR. Only one (well, technically only half a book) to go!
Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Usually, I’m no quitter, but if I were, I probably wouldn’t continue this one. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Caster world and most of the secondary characters. Ethan’s also ok. I just can’t stand Lena and that makes it kind of difficult enjoying these books since they revolve around her. Only one novella and two more novels to go. Macon, Ridley, and Link, I’m counting on you to save me!
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I read the first one in 2012 and bought the second one in 2014 because I wanted to read them back to back for Halloween. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to them yet so I want to make up for it this year.
Omg, yes, Cara, please finish The Poison Study series! I actually want to reread the first novel too, but I don’t think I’ll find the time. However, I wanna read the spin-off series and then continue on with the fourth instalment.
Also, Laura! And Sonea! So many good memories with both of these series.
And concerning the Caster Chronicles – well, there’s also a spin-off, featuring Link, so maybe that’ll suit your tastes better? I enjoyed the first one, planning to read the second one this year.
I will … someday 😉 ! No, I really want to read it this year. I really hope I’ll find the time. At the moment, I don’t really have the time for reading and when I do read, it’s for work. I’m even considering not buying any new books until I’ve got more reading time. At the moment, it’s kind of pointless.
Yeah, I had wonderful memories with Laura – until they announced that 6th book. Just whyyyyyyy?! The ending of the 5th was stunning in every sense of the word. I remember reading the last pages, then sitting there staring at my wall for 10min, then rereading the last pages, then staring again. One of the most memorable and shocking endings.
Urgh, I know but I think I won’t read that series. I’m glad when I’ll finish CC. It’s SUCH an awesome concept and I really love all secondary characters and Ethan, too. Lena though …
I finally finished the Artemis Fowl series last year (I also stopped after book four). The next three weren’t great, honestly, but I did enjoy the last one, and I’m glad I read them all. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think. 🙂
I even started the 5th but only read about 40 pages or so. I just couldn’t get into it. I think I wasn’t really in the mood for more Artemis Fowl back then. However, I loved the first couple of novels so much there’s no way I’ll not finish this series. One day 😉 .
Well, good luck with that! I managed to finish only 4 series last year which was pretty embarrassing but on the other hand I’m reading so many thriller series that just never come to an end xD
Crini and I are planning to finally read the Hitchhiker books this year, too, so maybe we could make this a group read to keep the motivation high ;D
Oh, and you reminded me that I also have to read the sequel of ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD. I read the first one in 2014 but completely forgot about the second one 😀
Hah! I finished 16(ish, I don’t have my series list with me and counted in GR. Not sure I got it right) series in 2015. 10 shouldn’t be a problem. Technically.
Oh yes, please! Count me in! It’s really a shame I haven’t read them yet. They’re so short!
Well, it didn’t really need a second one. Maybe I’ll squeeze it in this Halloween. That’s what I’ve been telling myself the third year in a row xD .