Top Ten Tuesday #3: Books Featuring Travel

My top ten features travels to exotic countries, travels via magical and mundane transportation, travel in space, travels in fantasy worlds, and travels on horseback …

Montagsfrage: Wie oft kaufst du dir neue Bücher?

Ganz eindeutige Antwort: viel zu oft (und viel zu viele)! Bücher zu kaufen ist meine große Leidenschaft und mein schlimmstes Laster. Das nimmt bei mir schon Formen einer Sucht an, weil ich mich oft kaum im Zaum halten kann und ständig irgendwo irgendwelche Bücher kaufe – mehr als ich jemals lesen werde. Aber sie schauen im Regal halt so toll aus! …

Reading List June 2013

Let’s call May an epic fail! It started out so great that I thought for a moment that I would get through my utopian reading list, but then I got distracted by four good reasons to spend my time not reading. Very well, so here we are again with basically most of the May list. I’m going to leave the last two slots empty because I cannot decide which ones to choose …

Newbies April 2013

Buying books is both my fervent passion and my worst vice. Sometimes, I even wonder whether it is not an addiction or an illness of some sorts, because I’m constantly buying – much more than I will probably ever be able to read. But, you know, they look so pretty on the shelves! …

Normally, I’m trying to buy in reasonable masses. However, if I find an excuse with which I can keep my conscience quiet, I forget all good resolutions. That’s what happened in April, because I thought that Easter would be a great excuse to buy tonnes of new books. Well, it’s my one and only treat after all.

Top Ten Tuesday #2: Books Dealing with Tough Subjects

Today is actually the Top Ten Tuesday Freebie but instead of coming up with my own topic, I’d like to give you the Top Ten Books Dealing with Tough Subjects which was the theme on May 14. I’d written about three quarters of the post when a friend persuaded me to watch Iron Man 3 with her and therefore never came to finish it in time. So here we go …

Montagsfrage: In welcher Position liest du am liebsten?

Nach jahrelangem Herumexperimentieren und Überstrapazieren verschiedener Positionen scheine ich doch momentan eine halbwegs bequeme Position gefunden zu haben, die sich auf die meisten meiner Lieblingsleseorte anwenden lässt …

Monthly Themes April 2013: Bingo!

So in April, we have a game which does not need such extensive explanations as the last one since it is pretty universal: Bingo! I know that it varies from game to game, but Crini’s version of bingo is played with a card of 4×4 fields. For those who don’t know, depending on the topic of the game, the fields carry numbers (original form of Bingo), symbols, words, etc. For example, we had a teacher buzzword bingo in school using a teacher’s favourite expressions. Now, because this is a reading challenge, the fields carry criteria the books we choose to read have to meet. The goal is to read four books that form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row …

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