Sometimes, I abandon books right in the middle. I just lose interest. My mood changes. I’m indecisive what I actually want to read. I’m too annoyed or appalled to continue. I want to read a new release I’ve been waiting for. Or I don’t have any reason whatsoever …

24MarTop Ten Tuesday #27: Books from My Childhood that Have a Special Place in My Heart
When I was younger, my grandpa read lots and lots of books to me: Erich Kästner, Otfried Preußler, Wilhelm Busch, Janosch, Paul Maar (basically all German children’s classics except for Michael Ende – I’ve never read a single one of his books), and Astrid Lindgren. Although there’s one or two I’d enjoy reading again, I’ve forgotten all about them. Seriously, I just had to consult Goodreads to come up with a list of children’s books that were read to me. I’m sure I loved them all very much – after all, they made me fall in love with the written word, – but they just don’t feel like “my” books, because I never read them myself …

11NovTop Ten Tuesday #22: Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Book
I’ve probably forgotten countless characters I love and would love reading more about, but here are a couple of favourites I do remember …

11NovMontagsfrage: Welche Reihe hätte niemals fortgesetzt werden sollen?
Da fallen mir ganz spontan vier Reihen ein: eine war einfach nur schlecht, zwei eigentlich schon abgeschlossen, und bei der letzten gab es mehr als genug Gründe, aufzuhören …

08OctTop Ten Tuesday #11: Top Ten Best/Worst Series Enders
From stunning and heartbreakingly good to disappointing and outraging: here are my top three best and worst series enders each …