New year, new beginnings! And when we talk beginnings, we mean series! Just what series, exactly, we couldn’t agree on, so you’ll get a bunch of interpretations for this topic. I’m really bad at keeping up with new releases, so that one was out of the question for me. In the end, I went with series I want to start in 2021. It’s not like I have a shortage of those …
For Darkness Shows the Stars

08DecNewbies November 2013
Newbies 2013_11
You have no idea how happy I am writing a newbie post that doesn’t contain a ginormeous amount of books! Maybe this is going to be an incentive to reduce my hauls. Haha, I’m kidding – I already preordered my 2014 must-haves this month as a reward for having such a great month in the TBR-Reduction-Challenge. That’s the logic of a book-buying addict. Anyways, I’m happy to announce that I was able to fulfill this months task and saved € 8.50 (which I already invested in a CD) as well as actually reducing my TBR pile by 5 books! …