Don’t ask. Just don’t. I have no idea how exactly that happened …
Elizabeth Wein

13NovWrap-Up September 2013
Well, well, September was a month of ups and downs. I started quite well, couldn’t concentrate on reading for most of the month just to come back really strong. All in all, I didn’t read that many books but quite a lot of pages. I came so close to crack the 3000 pages mark, but came short because I forgot to read on the last day …

01OctReview: Code Name Verity
There are not enough positive words in this world to do justice to Code Name Verity. It is utterly brilliant, intriguing, shocking – and it will rip out your heart. Thrice. Not that there was anything left after the first time … But isn’t that just the way we like our novels? Don’t we all adore magnificent writing, stunning plots, and believable characters? Unforgettable tales of loyalty and betrayal, of trust and fortitude even in the face of torment and fear? If you can’t answer these questions with a resounding YES, then you cannot be helped. This, my dear readingrats is the story of a friendship so strong and true, written so perfectly that it comes to life before the reader’s eyes . . .

17SepTop Ten Tuesday #10: Books on My Fall TBR List
Yay, a new seasonal TBR list … ’cause that worked out perfectly for the last one – not! Of the ten books I chose in June for my summer TBR pile, I’ve read only two. Let’s call it an epic fail and move on, which means that I won’t recycle books from the last list but make up an entirely new pile. And it’s getting classy, historical, dark, and fantastic … and megalomaniac …

05SepMontagsfrage: Welches Buch hast du zuletzt deinem Wunschzettel hinzugefügt?
Momentan habe ich drei Wunschzettel, wobei ich wohl einen bald hinzufügen werde, da mir mein Hauptzettel zu unübersichtlich wird …