Better suuuper late than never! I’m happy I did manage to squeeze in my 2019 survey into 2020, even though it barely worked out. Anyway, here are some of the books that accompanied me through 2019 plus what I thought about them …
Chris Riddell

24Nov30 Books in 30 Days – November 2018
And another throwback to two years ago: Since this one worked rather well for me in May, I decided to challenge myself once again to read in 30 books in 30 days. Let’s call it the the-end-of-2018-is-near-I-need-to-get-more-reading-done reading frenzy. At the beginning of November, there were once again way too many books on my currently reading pile (CRP) and on my you-should-have-read-most-of-these-books-ages-ago reading list. Naturally, I won’t manage to read all of those but I’d like to make at least a dent. It would be nice if I managed to start 2019 with a clean slate – a CRP of 1-2 books – but let’s be realistic …

23OctNewbies Sepember 2017
Remember that I told you about my book buying yo-yo effect? Remember that I only got four books in August? Well, here’s the other side of the story … I got kind of totally crazy. I went thrifting, ordered way too many books online, got some at work, and decided to double the amount of horse non-fiction I own.

23NovWrap-Up September 2015
September, September. So, what were I actually doing in September? I can’t even remember! Ugh, rhyme not intended. But it’s true, September is kind of a blurr. I worked. I handed in my internship report. I had some stuff for the bookfair team to do. I read books. I watched series. Quite possibly the most depressing month of the year, especially since everyone was going on holidays and I was stuck at home …