In May, there was music in the air. The task was to read one book each that somehow fits one of the following media: record, cassette, CD, and MP3. How we interpreted the connection was pretty much up to ourselves, as long as we could come up with somewhat of a decent explanation …
Monthly Themes

26MayMonthly Themes April 2013: Bingo!
So in April, we have a game which does not need such extensive explanations as the last one since it is pretty universal: Bingo! I know that it varies from game to game, but Crini’s version of bingo is played with a card of 4×4 fields. For those who don’t know, depending on the topic of the game, the fields carry numbers (original form of Bingo), symbols, words, etc. For example, we had a teacher buzzword bingo in school using a teacher’s favourite expressions. Now, because this is a reading challenge, the fields carry criteria the books we choose to read have to meet. The goal is to read four books that form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row …

11AprMonthly Themes March 2013: Stadt, Land, Fluss
In March, we played a round of Stadt, Land, Fluss, an infamous German game that requires only a piece of paper, a pen, the ability to handle time pressure, and a considerable amount of general knowledge. If one’s convincing, one can replace the latter through a good deal of imagination (it can be a little like Scrabble – discussions and arguments included). So I’m not sure how it is called in English but it seems to be the equivalent to Scattergories with the difference that one uses the resources at hand. It is one of the long runners for killing time during free periods at school.

11AprMonthly Themes Feb 2013: Books à la Carte
In February, Crini invited us to dine with her. We were allowed to choose our bookish dishes from the following categories: aperitif, starter, main course, dessert . . .