Sandy Ransford

Wrap-Up September 2015

September, September. So, what were I actually doing in September? I can’t even remember! Ugh, rhyme not intended. But it’s true, September is kind of a blurr. I worked. I handed in my internship report. I had some stuff for the bookfair team to do. I read books. I watched series. Quite possibly the most depressing month of the year, especially since everyone was going on holidays and I was stuck at home …

Wrap-Up & Newbies March 2015

I’m kind of in a reading slump right now. It all started, because I’ve been procrastinating reading Quintana of Charyn throughout March. Still haven’t read it yet, because I’m so afraid of ALL THE FEELS. Instead of turning to other books, I just didn’t read at all. Furthermore, I’m going to move in a couple of days and preparations are taking up a lot of my free time and I’m just not in the mood for reading …

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