Pivot Point

Wrap-Up February 2015

I did it! I really did it! I finished all the books that I’d started back in 2014. I’m still not used to seeing only two to three books in my currently reading section on Goodreads. It’s so weird. I can’t even remember the last time I’d read no more than three books. It must have been at least over 18 months ago. Shocking since I used to read one book after the other when I was younger …

Newbies May 2014

Who needs wrap-ups when one can have newbie posts, right? Riiiight? [The wrap-ups are coming. Winterish.] Truth be told, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you are already pretty annoyed by my excessive purchase behaviour and these posts. I kind of feel like one of those BookTubers who have massive book hauls every (other) week or so, bragging about their new pretty books without ever reading them. I just realised that’s pretty much me – only I write monthly posts …

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