
Introductions III: Of Languages, Diced Cheese, and Blog Adventures

By now, I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed that I have bilingual posts. I have no idea whether I will keep it that way. For now, it’s more or less a test drive, but I’d really like to know what you think about it. Which language do you prefer? English? German? Or would you read both? Any suggestions?

Regardless, I strongly suggest that you stick to the English version if that’s possible since that is the language in which I write my posts (for now). If that changes or if German is the more convenient language for a certain topic, I’ll let you know . . .

Introductions II: About the Readingrat

But who am I anyway? Well, I answer to the beautiful name of Cara. I have to say I really truly love my name, which is Irish for friend and Italian for dear/precious. Unfortunately, everyone else seems to hate it. How do I know that? Well, they tend to call me preferably Clara, but also Carla, Cora, Kira, or something along these lines. And that happens like 95% of the time. When someone instantly gets it right, I’m so happy that I have a hard time to stop myself from flinging my arms around this someone’s neck. Really, what’s so difficult to get a name right that consists of only three letters/phonemes?! They can’t even read it out when it’s right in front of them!

Introductions I: What the hell is a readingrat?!

Hiya! Please, do come closer. I won’t bite, I promise! I know one cannot be too careful when confronted with a mythical creature. But I’m harmless as long as you keep me away from books. Now, you’re probably thinking I’m either stupid or crazy, depending on your language skills. But don’t fret, I don’t spider (ok, I’ll stop using jokes that require to be fluent in German. Such a nasty hobbit! … Sorry. I just wanted to keep it light and funny since the next part is going to bore you to death. But hey, it’s a great linguistic analysis and you’ll hardly notice that I just made that up.)

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