Stats Round-Up 2013: Newbies and TBR Pile

I’m a book-buying addict, I’ve always been. I tend to buy more books than I will probably ever read and yet what happened in 2013 went far beyond my normal standards of crazy. I’ve never bought so many books in the course of one year before and I’m not even sure why I went over the top. I blame part of it on getting involved in the book blogosphere: suddenly, I was made aware of new releases, discovered new novels and series left and right and got more recommendations than I could handle. I wanted to belong, so I got some of the novels everyone talked about, or novels that were group reads. Don’t get me wrong, I love it! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have read the novels that became my 2013 favourites. So here are my crazy newbie & TBR pile stats of 2013 …

New Year’s Reading Resolutions

Wait, is it 2014 already?!

First, I wanted to let you know that I’m currently writing my bachelor thesis which I have to hand in in February. This means that I won’t have much time for blogging. Still, I’ll try to give you a couple of posts although I don’t really see it happen right now. I’m sorry, but I will be back soon …

Book Census 2013

I hardly dare to tell you that I actually don’t know how many books I own. On the other hand, you might have noticed that by now. I know this sounds completely crazy. It is crazy. And I do hate it so I’m going to change this today – or at least I’m going to try …

Review: Der lange Ritt nach Hause

Ja, es ist mal wieder ein Pferdebuch – allerdings eines, das mir wirklich viel bedeutet und das ich schon unzählige Male gelesen habe. Warum das so ist? Nun, die Hauptperson heißt Cara und als ich das damals im Klappentext gelesen habe, war es vollkommen um mich geschehen. In meiner ganzen Zeit als Leseratte sind mir bisher nur zwei Bücher untergekommen, in denen die Hauptperson Cara hieß (beides Pferdebücher, das andere, noch viel verblüffendere, ist ebenfalls für die Challenge vorgesehen), und auch als Nebencharakter machen sich die Caras rar. Auf Anhieb fallen mir da nur die Sword of Truth Reihe (die ich selbst noch nicht gelesen habe) und Divergent ein. ‚Kara‘ bin ich allerdings schon etwas häufiger begegnet, aber das zählt beim besten Willen nicht. Interessanterweise heißt die Protagonistin im Original noch nicht einmal Cara sondern Carey . . .

Eisblumen und Schneekristalle / Ice Flowers and Snow Crystals

Eisblumen & Schneekristalle (engl. Ice Flowers & Snow Crystals) is one of my beloved abandoned projects. I don’t know when I started it, nor do I know what kind of story I wanted to tell, which ultimately led to my abrupt stop. I just wrote it without thinking, without knowing where it would lead. It fits perfectly into Christmas time, so I thought I’d share it with you. I recommend reading it in German if possible, since this is the language I originally wrote it in …

Top Ten Tuesday #15: New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2013

I got lucky and discovered a couple of amazing authors this year! …

Fun Facts for LotR Fans and Those Who’d Like to Impress Them

Nerd alert! If you are a fan of The Lord of the Rings, this might interest you. I compiled a list of 9 fun facts about the characters, the storylines, and the writing process I learned in The Treason of Isengard

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