Currently Reading #3: Quintana of Charyn

07th April 2015


Well, to be exact, it should be “currently not reading.” On the one hand, I’m moving in two days and have so much to prepare. On the other hand, I’m procrastinating reading this one.

I devoured Froi of the Exiles in the beginning of March, loved it to pieces, read the blurb of my copy of Quintana – and didn’t pick it up until a couple of days ago. The blurb is exactly two sentences long. Two evil, heartbreaking sentences that completely destroyed me and my desire to read the novel. Well, I still want to read it, but now I’m basically scared to death. I’m scared of all the tears I’ll have to shed. Reading Froi was already hard, teary eyes and ragged sobs included. This one will probably break me.

Yesterday, I finished the first part and almost put the novel on hold before I’ve even truly started it. I really felt the urge to throw the book across the room, because quite frankly, everything’s a mess. I just want them to be happy because I love them all so very much! Damn, why do life and politics have to be so complicated?! They are all doing stupid things and the worst part, I totally understand why. If I were in their shoes, I’d probably react exactly the same way. The problem is that each character only knows part of the story while I as the reader know all of it and that’s so terribly frustrating. I just want to shake them to make them stop and, well, listen to the other part of the story.

However, I forced myself to continue and was rewarded with some kind of reconciliation in one of the story lines. For now. God knows what’s going to happen next …

Did you ever find yourself in a similar situation? What books are intimidating to you?

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4 responses

  • Ui, das hört sich ja richtig böse an. Bisher habe ich ja “nur” Band 1 gelesen, das stellenweise ja auch schon sehr düster war. Buch 2 ist jetzt am Samstag bei mir angekommen, mal sehen, du machst mich ja schon irgendwie neugierig 😀

    Aber so schlimm ging es mir bisher bei einem Buch noch nicht. Aber ich bin mal sehr gespannt, obs mir dann ähnlich geht, wenn ich so weit in der Geschichte bin.

    Liebe Grüße,

    • Den zweiten fand ich noch düsterer als den ersten und die ganzen Konflikte spitzen sich nun im dritten ziemlich zu. Dafür konnte ich den zweiten aber irgendwie besser verkraften, weil das quasi ein komplettes Set neuer Handlungsstränge war. Jetzt im dritten laufen aber alle Handlungsstränge aus 1 und 2 zusammen und das tut gerade alles andere als gut gehen.

      Ich hatte das ja sogar schon mal bei einem anderen Buch – das war aber ein Reread. Da wusste ich eben schon, durch welche Höllen der Charakter noch gehen musste und das ist mir dann auch ziemlich schwer gefallen, ihm da nochmal durchzufolgen.

  • I just finished Finnikin of the Rock and have both Froi and Quintana from my library, but I am SO SCARED for these reasons! Everyone I’ve talked to says Froi and Quintana are worse than Finnikin, and I already wanted to cry in Finnikin (also, I wanted to shake Finnikin the character for some of his stupidities).

    Continue, though! Everyone says this is an awesome trilogy so I hope you enjoy Quintana. 😀 I’ll definitely be looking out for your review.

    • I finally finished reading Quintana and I did cry – in public, because I was sitting in the Botanic Gardens in Munich. At first I thought my bench would be quite out of the way of the crowds, but well, just when I was all teary eyes, an elderly couple asked me about my book and I really had to pull myself together not to appear all too dishevelled xD ! I’m not sure they noticed something, though and in the end, they had me write down the titles for their daughter. Book pushing, yay!

      Just start with Froi. It’s quite amazing and although I had teary eyes throughout most of the books, there was only one part that made me break into sobs 😉 . I’m a little conflicted about Quintana, but even with the couple of issues I had, it’s a 5/5 book.

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