Monday Question: At a Stretch or Bit by Bit?

02nd June 2014


This week’s Monday Question by Libromanie is:

Do you read at a stretch or bit by bit?

First of all, I’m a very slow reader, which plays into this. The last time I checked, which was quite some time ago, I read about 50 pages per hour, give or take, depending on the genre and the layout. This means that I need at least a couple of hours to finish a novel, which is totally fine by me. I just like to take my time so I can truly delve into the different worlds and imagine, analyse, and decipher everything. I’m an aficionada.

My reading habits, however, depend on the book and the day of the week. If a book is really really good, I will make time for it even if I don’t have any. I just put everything else on hold or push it back. On the other hand, if a book is not able to captivate me or I’m not really in the mood, I have to set a goal of reading x pages a day. Usually, that’s only up to or slightly over an hour worth of reading. If I’m working, I read very little during the week, no matter how good the books are. I’m often too tired in the evenings. On weekends or days off, however, I love to read all day long – so long as the books are captivating.


You want to share your thoughts on the topic? Fell free to do so! Participation is simple: Each Monday, Libromanie publishes a new Monday Question (in German), which can be answered over the course of one week. Just write a post with your thoughts and link to it using this form here.

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1 response

  • Lesenächte habe ich schon viele Jahre nicht mehr erlebt. Ich lese stundenweise und manchmal mehrmals am Tag, was allerdings gelegentlich schwer fällt, denn das eine oder andere Buch würde ich gerne in einem Rutsch lesen.

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